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Swedish international 8er meeting

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  • Huge thanks from the Danish delegation, for a nice, interesting and very successful weekend - a fabulous continuation of the excellent meeting in Norway last year, which was our E31 debut.
    Hope to see all of you again at future E31 gatherings.
    PS. Also the ride home was interesting, among other things, we went past the "candy plane" where candy enough for a small village was purchased - most of it of Danish origin - to 1/3 of the price in Denmark – who understand world economy
    / Bente & Bo
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    • Zitat von Pelle Beitrag anzeigen
      I would like to thank all participants for your participation and that you helped out and made the meeting.
      Pictures coming as soon as I get some spare time so I can sort the pictures I have taken.

      Now we hope that it will be a meeting in Denmark shortly.
      We will consider the possibility - no promises given


      • Zitat von nielsen_850 Beitrag anzeigen
        We will consider the possibility - no promises given
        I think you should
        Like we said, we don't need much, just a hotel and a safe place to put the cars.

        And a tour of the Carlsberg factory
        -Egil (thats my name)

        1990 850IA Hartge SC
        2012 M550d Touring

        If I misspelled a word it's because I'm Norwegian, so bear with me.


        • Zitat von wokke Beitrag anzeigen
          Congrats on that Fabrice although I admit that I don't give a sh... if we are approved or not. It's a great community here and that's what counts to me and not what some bureaucrats in Munich or elsewhere may thing about us (or not think).
          Let's continue having such great meetings and we're all set IMO

          Yes let's have fun and enjoy our 8 serie that's the most important thing.
          Que la 8 soit avec vous!
          May the 8 be with you and for always!



          • First of all I would like to say "thanks very much" to Per and his Team, for the Organisation of this wounderful and interesting "Int. 8er meeting"

            I really enjoyed it and was glad to meet such a superb scandinavian 8er crew with absolut unique and wounderful Cars, yes yes except the swiss

            The meeting was even special for me, as I saw never before so many different green 8

            I am really looking forward to the next scandinavian meeting and yes, then even with some swiss 8 along
            Gruss Fredi

