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2014-03-23 - UK - Brunch Meet East Grinstead

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  • 2014-03-23 - UK - Brunch Meet East Grinstead

    Fellow 8ers ,I have arranged an event on behalf of the South east Region of the BMW Car Club , and I am inviting the members to it

    The details are brunch meet on Sunday 23rd March 2014 at The Riverview Cafe, Station Rd, Forest Row, West Sussex RH18 5DW from 11:00.

    The event is for all BMW Clubs

    I live in Epping and have no association with The Riverview Cafe, which is 70 odd miles away . I found out about them by accident from a review when looking for somewhere near me that was Car club friendly for a monthly weekly meet . There is no financial reward or gain for me . its just for some Bmwnut to have a chat and a laugh.

    So its more the merrier . Its only a couple of miles from Munich Legends .

    Can you let me know if anyone is interested as I need to give the cafe some idea of numbers

    Hope to see some of your guys there